Saturday, December 27, 2014

Philosophy Talk: The Billboards

One of my favorite parts of my day job as Producer of Philosophy Talk is putting together the billboards, aka open tease, that comprise the first minute of the broadcast (before the news). It's basically a condensed clip show, with a small set of voices (hosts, guest, movie/TV clips, song lyrics) combining to form an aural entity far greater than the sum of its parts. Coming up with that set for each show -- recording the hosts reading wild lines, scouring the interweb for clips to "answer" them, finding a song with just that right balance of usable lyrics and instrumentalizable passages -- can be a struggle, but the result is usually a pleasure.

I've finally started compiling all the ones I've produced (i.e. all but a tiny handful) in one place. As of this writing, it's everything that aired in 2014. But the complete will stretch back to 2007. Enjoy!

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