Wednesday, June 30, 2010

And now for something completely different

In 2008 I took two semesters of Ron Galen's guitar class at Laney College in Oakland (I started a third semester in 2009, but life took over). I hadn't played much fingerstyle to that point ("Blackbird singing in the dead of the night..."), but a little half-size nylon-string guitar I bought in Lima, Peru that spring helped ease me further in to the repertoire. Ron supplied us with a ton of classical études and what not, but his real passion was the Brazilian choro. I recently rediscovered the videos shot of the class playing each of the pieces we worked on over the course of the semester:

Actually, truth be told, what I really rediscovered was the montage that Fer produced from the end-of-semester revelry at the Pacific Coast Brewing Company in Oakland...

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